dorset chiapas solidarity

December 23, 2015

Boca en Boca No 39 December 2015 English

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Boca en Boca No 39 December 2015 English


Due to the fact that so much has been happening in Chiapas, the English version of the news sheet Boca en Boca has not yet been published. As we know that many people like to keep up with the Chiapas news in English, we are publishing the translated items now.






Boca en Boca No 39 December 2015 English 


25/10- Members of the OCEZ-FNLS from the ejido El Carrizal, Ocosingo, continue to be threatened and under a military-police and paramilitary siege.

28/10- The community of Primero de Agosto reaffirms its determination in the fight for the land and denounces several threats of eviction by the CIOAC-H.

29/10- Acala protests: “over the death in custody and torture of Jose Rolando, 1 year and 8 months ago, we continue demanding justice and truth.”

29/10- Displaced families from Banavil return home for four days in order to remember the young girl Antonia Lopez Mendez.

30/10- Residents of Tapachula denounce the CFE and are in solidarity with Chicoasén ejidatarios.

31/10- Prisoners remember their dead.

03/11- The Pueblo Creyente from Simojovel continue organizing against the terrible government system, political and economic.

09/11- Due to the failure of the CFE to repair a high voltage cable, Fabian Ramos Toledo dies in Boca del Cielo, Tonalá.

09/11- Residents of Nueva Esperanza, Tila, members of Laklumal Ixim-Norte Selva, demand justice for the death of their compañero Toni Reynaldo Gutiérrez López.

18/11- Coffee-growers protest about the crisis caused by [coffee] rust.

18/11- 15 regions of Luz y Fuerza call for unity against the federal government, and to organize a united front.

20/11- Adherents to the Sixth from San Sebastian Bachajón remember their dead and their unjustly imprisoned prisoners.

20/11- Indigenous from the community Chuchucruz II, Tumbalá, denounce searches of homes without warrant or reason.

21/11- the 70 families from the ejido Nueva Esperanza, Chicomuselo, displaced by paramilitaries 19 days ago, remain seriously threatened.

23/11- The refuge hostel for migrants La 72 reports several acts of violence against women and migrant groups, amounting to extortion and death threats to members of their team.



24/10- Prisoners unjustly imprisoned in CERESO 5 write to Alejandro Diaz for his 35th birthday.

07/11- Las Abejas of Acteal remember Manuelito, guardian of memory, 3 years after his death.

14/11- The families displaced from Banavil are walking different paths “in order to one day get justice and truth.” 



Chicoasen struggles for its land

At the launch of their a hunger strike on 03/11, ejidatarios of Chicoasen explained: “it’s due to the unfair imprisonment of one of our lawyers who was taking legal action over the construction of the hydroelectric dam ‘Chicoasen II’, and there are also arrest warrants against the other lawyers as well as grassroots ejido members “.

On 06/11 they reported: “We are being prosecuted by the State Government, in a lawsuit filed by the Attorney of the CFE. Currently our lawyer is being held in the CERSS 14 and there are arrest warrants against us […] the criminal complaint contains irregularities such as the fact that the CFE witnesses are its own people. ”

On 11/11 they reported the end of the hunger strike because of the poor state of health of the participants. “We will go to international organizations in order to seek preventive measures to ensure respect for the life and physical integrity of the ejido members, who are elderly people, and respect for our other fundamental rights.”



Las Abejas denounce the Visit by the Governor

On 22/11, Las Abejas of Acteal reported: “Today we denounce publicly and before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that the Mexican State through the “governor”, came to Acteal on 13/11 to the PRI and Green community to distribute lambs, chemical fertilizers [etc.]. Obviously, those who received these goodies are: [party members] and various paramilitary perpetrators of the Acteal massacre who have been released.” They view that act as manipulation and government strategy. “The state cannot deny that the purpose of the “governor’s” visit to the PRI area of Acteal is to promote amnesia, deny the truth and abort the process of justice in relation to the massacre of Acteal” on top of the events of 20/10 at the public hearing of the Commission.

For the organization: “The visit of the [governor] is a strategy or trick to control the people who let themselves be fooled. For example Velasco’s lambs are to shut people’s mouths, block their ears, and cover their eyes. It’s like when a child is crying and is tricked into being quiet with a sweet.”

Finally they invited people to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Acteal massacre on 21 and 22/12.


20/11 TILA

Tila: military, police and paramilitary operation

Comp@s adherents of the Sixth in ejido Tila reported on 20/11 “the mayor requested the police forces, including military ministerial and state [police] and so we are being intimidated […]; these forces are circulating within the ejido.” Note that soldiers and police cannot circulate without the consent of the ejido assembly, so their entry was refused because “the police forces all over the country are the same murderers who conceal paramilitaries or carry out summary executions as well as having a relationship with organized crime.”

They related the facts: “On 18/11 a van came in with judicial police patrolling the streets with municipal police; then a truck belonging to paramilitary groups, loaded with stones, machetes and sticks. On 19/11 a car of the sectorial police entered, and a military convoy patrolling the whole town and 2 municipal police patrols. Finally they carried out operations to surround the town and the soldiers set up checkpoints on the approach roads.”

They denounced “the fake commissioners appointed by the state government, the idea of the Agrarian Attorney’s office in Palenque”.



Water cut off in Zinacantan

Residents of the autonomous municipality Vicente Guerrero, Zinacantan, reported that “on 03/11 a group of people, members of the PRI and of the Protestant religions, as well as the CFE, went to the homes of 4 families and intimidated the women and children with bad language […]; the acts committed were cutting off water and electricity supplies, as well as the communication networks.”

“The reason for doing this [such cuts] is purely for being adherents to the Other Campaign of the EZLN”.



Central American mothers searching for their missing migrant children

The Mesoamerican Migrant Movement announced the “11th Caravan of Central American mothers looking for their children who disappeared in transit through Mexico,” starting this 30/11 and ending with the celebration of International Migrants’ Day on 18/12 in Tapachula, commemorating the “Day of Global Action against racism and for the rights and dignity of migrants, refugees, and displaced people.” They will be passing through Arriaga from 13/12. They stated the objectives of this caravan: “the work of 2015 is marked by the current phenomenon of forced displacement generated by criminal violence, which is the “collateral damage” of the militarised war against organised crime that feeds violence of such magnitude that it obliges people to leave their places of origin by force. When fleeing their countries, they run into a Mexico which has become an insurmountable containment barrier that prevents the displaced people from reaching their destination.” They invited people to participate in the caravan to give it visibility and to put pressure on the authorities.


Going for a new Constituent Assembly

On 6/12, more than 30,000 participants are expected at a rally in San Cristobal de Las Casas. The movement of the Citizen-Popular Constituent Assembly is justified by “the prolonged economic crisis, scandalous social inequality, a corrupt political class of traitors, an inoperative justice system in collusion with the rich and with organized crime, alarming insecurity, shameful corruption, ranging from the President of the Republic to the police, judges and public officials.”

Consequently: “No solution can be expected through established political and legislative channels. From below, we have to create a new social pact, establish the principles and foundations of a new political, economic and social order, more just and fraternal towards people and more harmonious with Mother Earth. It is necessary to draft a NEW CONSTITUTION, made by the People and for the People.”,



The Massacre of Viejo Velasco is not forgotten!

On 13/11 several national and international organizations signed a document denouncing the impunity in this case: “Nine years after the massacre of our indigenous Tzeltal and Chol brothers, we have not found justice; the government has not punished the guilty and there is no effective or efficient investigation against those who planned it or the actual perpetrators. The bad government has not sought and therefore has not traced the whereabouts of our brothers who remain forcibly disappeared. We have not seen the government cancel the arrest warrants against 5 people who supported the victims of the Massacre of Viejo Velasco and since then have been accused of killing their own relatives or compas.”

They recalled that “instead of granting legal security over our lands the bad government sent 7 of our brothers to the grave, displaced another 36 by force and another 2 of our elders are still missing.”

Finally they announced: “by agreement of the assembly of our organization Xinich, we will begin a period of prayer and fasting in each of our communities at dawn on 13/11, which will last for 13 Sundays”


Massive mobilisation of the Pueblo Creyente (Believing People)

On 25/11, indigenous people from the Movement in Defence of Life and Territory -MODEVITE- and from the Pueblo Creyente of 11 parishes marched peacefully to remember to care for Mother Earth against the threat of mega-projects, to stop the sale of alcoholic drinks and drugs as well as prostitution in the towns and to denounce the ineptitude and corruption of the authorities.

They recalled on 25/11 “we want to unite with our mothers, daughters and sisters who have been beaten physically and psychologically, excluded, exploited, abused, raped and discriminated against”.

They announced: “We are also on pilgrimage in solidarity with the more than one hundred thousand victims of organised crime and particularly with the families of the 43 disappeared people of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero; and with the victims of Acteal.”


Chiapas women organise

On 23 and 24/11, there was a gathering of different compas from the Women’s Movement in Defence of Land and Territory and for the Women’s Right to Decide. The movement “declared itself in its first assembly in favour of social ownership of property, against all forms of privatisation of land and territory and denounced the energy reform and its continuation in the strategic reform of the countryside.” After “analysing the scenario which is being cooked up based on the structural reform of the countryside proposed by the government.”

They agreed to “fight against all forms of violence against women and indigenous peoples, campesinas, especially given the land grabs and looting of the territory promoted by government policies. We denounce and reject the intention of abolishing social property contained in the proposed structural reforms of the countryside, which would destroy the autonomy of communities, as well as their forms of organisation, ways of life and community culture. Likewise we denounce the government programmes that have brought us into the capitalist dynamics of debt, and at the same time have generated greater dependence.”

They decided to “fight against divisionism to achieve community unity for a real defence of life” and “to develop work in ejidos, communities and organisations because they are the base of the movement.”

The movement announced its adherence to the National Campaign in Defence of Land and Territory, the Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defence of Rivers (MAPDER), and the National Citizen-Popular Constituent Assembly.






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